The dimensions are not super critical. I set this up by eye. You want to be in the center of the cast boss. There is a mark on this endbell that will help you locate center. To ensure the boss is perpendicular to the vise I measured up to the bearing retainer bolt holes.
Finished hole.
I then rotated the part in the vise and drill down to meet the other hole. Be careful not to go too deep or you'll go through. I ensured the hole was perpendicular using a drill in the side hole and a square against the vise. The hole was spot on.
This is the finished hole. Now if any oil get to the motor it will have a drain out the side of the motor.
I needed to drill a new motor without taking it apart. Here is where you locate the drill.
Drill carefully to a depth of 1.75". Make sure it is straight.
Finished hole.
Now flip the motor up on end and drill down to meet the hole drilled from the side.
This is a close up of how the two holes should meet. Do not drill too deep.
Install the forsheda seal on the motor shaft and compress it so it is about 3/16 of an inch high.